The Advantages of Using Data Analytics Tools
Posted by Corey Mendelsohn on February 28,2021

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Profitability is a crucial focus for most organizations. The strategy often used for them to remain lucrative is centered around lowering costs and increasing revenue. However, getting reliable data is fundamental when an accurate snapshot of the state of any business is needed.
In this era, dependable Data Analytics tools are critical, and the use of the information uncovered after implementation presents an obvious ROI. Here are some of the advantages of Data Analytics tools:
They Offer Full Visibility
Proper use of Data Analytics tools, such as NewIntelligence’s QuickStart for SAP Business One, allows for various degrees of integration. For some companies it may be enough to purchase licenses and provide training for their finance department alone, but in other cases, integrating these tools across their entire organization can have many benefits. Having a proper view of all departments can not only empower organizations to make positive, long-lasting changes, but also fosters informed and lucrative decision-making.
They Enable Inventory Management
Data Analytics Tools offer better visibility on your current inventory and can help uncover discrepancies and obsolete stock. Having the ability to customize reports, views and dashboards allows you to keep accurate stock, but also mitigate losses. Processes like buying and replenishing are bound to be improved, thus saving companies time and money.
They Help with Client Satisfaction and Retention
Meeting customer expectations is what companies aspire to do and most companies succeed in doing this well. But what if the information you uncovered when infusing your business with Data Analytics allowed you to predict customer needs and surpass their expectations. Understanding the many moving parts of a company should be important to companies. Infusing processes with Data Analytics will make it easier for you and your team to go above and beyond for your clients, who will in turn love working with you, promote you within their network and repeat business.