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SAP Business One

SAP B1’s QuickStart GL Financial Templates: Your Shortcut to Enhanced Reporting

GL Financial

For all SAP Business One customers who are constantly juggling the demands of efficient financial operations and quality reporting, achieving that balance between accuracy and reliability can certainly be a challenge. Fortunately, QuickStart has just released a new feature designed to help you more effectively and efficiently manage your financial reporting needs inside SAP B1 […]

Keep Your Orders on Track with Fulfillment Reporting | QuickStart for SAP B1

As businesses grow, they need a complete visibility into their order fulfillment process. QuickStart for SAP B1 offers Fulfillment Reporting to help companies keep track of what’s in demand and where their orders are in the supply chain. This informative module helps you quickly identify bottlenecks that can be addressed to improve the shipping experience […]

How to Build an Effective Reporting and Dashboarding Strategy with SAP Business One

How to Build an Effective Reporting and Dashboarding Strategy with SAP Business One

Good reporting and dashboarding are essential for gaining insights into the performance of your enterprise. With SAP Business One, you can leverage a powerful analytics database to create an effective reporting and dashboarding strategy. From customizing graphs and charts to automatically sending reports on a daily, weekly or monthly basis– SAP Business One puts you […]

Maximize your sales performance with customized budgeting and forecasting solutions for SAP Business One.

Maximize your sales performance

Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to strategy! To help our client stay ahead of their competition and make the most of their business, NewIntelligence customized our Sales Budgeting & Forecasting module currently integrated with QuickStart for SAP Business One to better suit the needs of our client. This customization involves not only forecasting the […]

Sales Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting Made Simple for SAP B1 Customers Within A Few Clicks With NewIntelligence’s New QuickStart Add-On Module

Sales Budgeting Forecasting create budget demo

In working with SAP B1 customers over the past few years with their proprietary SAP B1 QuickStart solution, NewIntelligence recognized a challenge that these customers were facing when it came to Sales Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting. There was a need for improved efficiency that customers could manage in house and have a reliable solution beyond the myriad of Excel spreadsheets.

SAP Biz.ONE 2019 Wrap Up


What’s it like on the other side of the booth? As Corey Mendelsohn (our President), Dennis Daoust (our customer co-presenting with us) and I boarded the flight to Indianapolis for the SAP BizOne conference I found myself asking this question. I’d been to many tech shows, but always as the customer/consumer, walking the exhibitor halls, attending breakout sessions- never as the vendor, let alone one of the event sponsors. As a member of the NewIntelligence team, this would be a new experience for me. I looked forward to being part of the framework of the conference rather than simply an attendee.

NewIntelligence QuickStart for Reporting and Dashboarding for SAP Business One delivers an impactful, cost-effective solution that adds value to businesses.

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