Short Ship is here! NewIntelligence Releases a Brand New Module.
Posted by Corey Mendelsohn on December 31,2020

Home - Blog - Short Ship is here! NewIntelligence Releases a Brand New Module.
Your teams will love our new module! Short Ship is here and it provides a live and customizable view of your short ship orders!
If you work in any company that handles shipping of physical inventory, you probably work with short shipment reports. It’s a dreaded report for some, but so necessary across departments. If your Sales Representatives are having a good month, the report might be a long one, and they might have to spend a lot of time looking through sometimes outdated and superfluous information to get an overview of short shipments that apply to their clients’ orders. Your buying team might run into a similar issue. Do they work with the same data as everyone else to make informed purchases, replenishment, and projections? Have you tried to find an effective way to optimize this process to no avail? If so, you understand the timesaving benefits of isolating the data most relevant to specific team members.
For one of our clients, this long and arduous manual process, was based on scripts and queries, and becoming time consuming. That is how the Short Ship module came to be. This QuickStart add-on, connects directly to SAP Business One, and populates live data into customizable reports. You can schedule these to get relevant information in your inbox daily or as often as necessary.
Read more about the Short Ship module in the Press Release.